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TRIO Talent Search

Talent Search is a federally funded program designed to assist individuals in preparing for college and obtaining admissions to a college of their choice. The Talent Search is a federally funded program designed to assist individuals in preparing for college and obtaining admissions to a college of their choice. The program provides counseling, financial aid information, and other information essential to post-secondary enrollment provides counseling, financial aid information, and other information essential to post-secondary enrollment.

Talent Search participants receive:

  • Support in completing high school (study skills, test-taking and financial aid workshops)
  • College and Career Information
  • College Entrance Examination Procedures
  • Assistance in applying for admission to college or other post-secondary institutions
  • Assistance and information in applying for scholarships and other federal and state financial aid


Middle School Served

High Schools Served

Forest Brook Middle School Stephen F. Austin High School
Kashmere High School
James Madison High School
North Forest High School
Ross Shaw Sterling High School
Booker T. Washington High School
Phyllis Wheatley High School
Evan E. Worthing High School


Ronica Carmouche

Program Director 
Office – 713-313-7485

Dr. Armand Byrd

Project Coordinator 
Office – 713-313-5080

Jasper Ross

Academic Advisor 
Office – 713-313-1062


Marcus Nash

Academic Advisor 
Office – 713-313-7274


Jaylon Maddox

Academic Advisor 
Office – 713-313-5079