Texas Southern University (TSU) welcomes the opportunity to be considered for external research studies.

For those persons desiring to include TSU students, faculty or staff as part of a study, the procedures are outlined here. The process is done electronically, and acceptable document file types are Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat.

  1. Send protocol documents to Njekeh.Caspa@eduftp.net.
  2. There will be an initial review of documents for completeness and to ensure that all required documents have been received. If items are missing or are incomplete, an e-mail notification will be sent to the principal investigator.
  3. Documents will be forwarded to the appropriate committee for committee recommendation.
  4. If the committee recommends approval, the request is then forwarded to the Office of the Provost for approval.
  5. Once the Provost approves the request, a letter is prepared and sent via e-mail to the principal investigator.
  6. The investigator can begin the study.

Click on the link to download/complete the document.

Do you have a question about the protocol review and approval process?
Contact Dr. Frank Caspa at njekeh.caspa@eduftp.net.